www.TheWaterExpo.com | (305) 412-3976

mail@TheWaterExpo.com |mail@TheEnergyExpo.com

www.TheEnergyExpo.com | (305) 412-0000

University Day Program

Download University Day Program (Descargue el Programa)

August 20 (Tuesday/Martes) – UNIVERSITY DAY
3-Day VIP PLUS registration required (3-Dias VIP PLUS inscripcion requerida)

For The Water Expo Register Here | For The Energy Expo Register Here

as of July 3, 2024

Organizers reserve the right to modify the program and/or substitute speakers. Speakers and/or their companies are responsible on the content of their presentations. You receive a Certificate of Attendance to the University Day if you attend at least to 5 educational sessions (hours) in total. / Los Organizadores se reservan el derecho de modificar el programa y/o sustituir conferencistas. Los conferencistas y/o sus compañías son responsables del contenido de sus presentaciones. Usted recibe un Certificado de Asistencia si asiste al menos a 5 sesiones (horas) en total.

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